
3+Reasons to Come to English Xtra!

1. You can have one-to-one communication with teachers from England, Canada, Hong Kong, Holland, and Japan. You can get advice about studying abroad or increasing your TOEIC/TOEFL score, and you can also get help with your English classes. イギリス、カナダ、香港、オランダ、日本出身の教師と1対1で英会話を楽しめます。また、留学やTOEIC/TOEFLに関するアドバイス、英語授業のサポートを受けられます。

2. Anyone and everyone in Gifu University is welcome to participate. All undergraduate and graduate students, administration staff and teachers can enjoy talking in English for free! You can come by yourself, with a friend, or in a group of three. 全学部の学部生・大学院生、教職員の方々が対象です!友達または同僚と一緒に参加することもできます。

3. Now is the time! Many people realize that they need English after they graduate, but then it is too late because they are too busy to study. Make use of this opportunity! 岐阜大学にいる今がチャンス!

For more reasons, come to the English Center to find out!

The English Center (全学共通教育講義棟1階)




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